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Five important scientific reports were published from our research group during 2024

  1.  The Human Phospholipase B-II Precursor (HPLBII-P) in Urine as a Novel Biomarker of Glomerular Activity in COVID-19 and Diabetes Mellitus (JCM2024a)
  2. The Human Phospholipase B-II Precursor (HPLBII-P) in Urine as a Novel Biomarker of Increased Glomerular Production or Permeability in Diabetes Mellitus? (JCM2024b)
  3. HNL Dimer in plasma is a unique and useful biomarker for the monitoring of antibiotic treatment in sepsis (PLOS One2024)
  4. Elevated Fecal Biomarkers of Colo-Rectal Epithelial Cell Activity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (NGM2024)
  5. Monitoring and outcome prediction of sepsis by neutrophil specific biomarkers. (European Society of Medicine)