Three recent publications (HNL JIM 2015, HNL CVI 2015, and CVI 2017) showed the superiority of HNL as a diagnostic and discriminatory means in infectious disease. HNL was released from neutrophils in whole blood in a standardized fashion mimicking the HNL release in serum after coagulation. Reviews on HNL were published in 2018 and 2019 (HNL UJMS, HNL JALM). Recent important publications on HNL are the multimarker approach-publication in which the diagnostic performance was strengthened by combining with other biomarkers such as IP-10 (HNL JIM 2019) and most recently the publication showing the utility of plasma measurement of HNL in combination with TK1 (Thymidine kinase 1) in the distinction between bacterial and mycoplasma (HNL and Mycoplasma 2020).
In our latest publication we show the superiority of plasma measurements of HNL Dimer in monitoring the successful antibiotics treatment over the use of procalcitonin and heparin-binding protein. The levels of HNL Dimer in sepsis were seen reduced already within 24 hours as opposed to 3-4 days for the other biomarkers (HNL Dimer in sepsis 2024).